Britney: "Adnan Who"?!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Remember Britney's Arabian paparazzi boyfriend, Adnan Ghalib? You know, the one who traveled with her to Mexico, escorted her on countless Starbucks runs and even hit her local Rite Aid to check out home pregnancy tests? Well, apparently she doesn't. Fellow paparazzi quizzed Brit about her relationship this weekend when they caught up with her at the Millennium Dance Complex in North Hollywood, CA.

When asked, "Do you have something to tell Adnan," she replied, "I don't know who that is…I've never met him before," all in her mock British accent. Granted, the two haven't been spotted together in the past few days and rumors of a restraing order against Adnan were reported by a rival agency.

But Brit's maybe man has an explanation, which he conveniently posted on the Website of his photo agency: "All I can say is I have not been in contact with Britney since early Friday morning. The reason being that I have had to attend a family funeral in Santa Barbara."

The photog goes on to say his phone has been off out of respect for his family members, and he hopes to get back in touch with "Miss Spears" when he gets back to town. So, whom to believe? One of Brit's split personalities or a grieving celebrity photographer? I think I'm on Team Britney, but you never know the twists of this gal's life!